temporary exhibition

Open now

100 years of Phototypesetting

Sep. 21, 2024 (Sat) - Jan. 13, 2025 (Mon-holiday)
10:00 - 18:00 (final admission: 17:30)

The advent of phototypesetting caused a major transformation in design, print, and the publishing industry. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of its invention, we trace its history and explore its impact.

Before the use of digital fonts like the ones we see today, movable type or phototypesetting were commonly used for printing. Phototypesetting used photographic engineering principles to print, and it replace moveable type printing—which used a large amount of metal to create the many characters required to print Japanese. Its advent was an epoch-making event that eliminated the complications of moveable type printing. The convenience of phototypesetting brought about an improvement in the work environment. In addition, the technology made it possible to easily develop many beautiful typefaces, bringing a wide variety of typefaces to the printed page.
This exhibition commemorates the 100th anniversary of the invention of phototypesetting by introducing the history, role, mechanisms, and even typeface design of this technical and expressive bridge from moveable type to digital fonts.


Sep. 21, 2024 (Sat) - Jan. 13, 2025 (Mon-holiday)


Mondays, September 24, October 15, November 5, December 28-January 5, 2025
*Open, however, on September 23, October 14, November 4, January 13, 2025


10:00 - 18:00 (final admission: 17:30)


Adults: 500 yen
College Students: 300 yen
High school students: 200 yen

*Junior high school students and younger / ages 70 and over: free
*Groups of 20 or more: 50 yen off per person
*Those with a Handicapped Person's Passbook, their helper can enter the Museum free of charge.


Printing Museum, Tokyo, TOPPAN Holdings Inc.


Morisawa Inc., Sha-Ken Co., Ltd., RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology Ltd., mojido Inc.

Exhibits and installation view

100 years of Phototypesetting
Sep. 21, 2024 (Sat) - Jan. 13, 2025 (Mon-holiday)
10:00 - 18:00 (final admission: 17:30)
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