temporary exhibition

Finished exhibitions

Evolving Methods for Display

— The World of Virtual Reality

Mar. 19, 2016 (Sat) - Jun. 5, 2016 (Sun)
10:00 - 18:00

The advent of new media has spawned the innovation of limitless new methods for display. Let's look back to trace the evolution of display methods from the past and predict the changes to come in the future.

Print has served for many centuries as a medium for introducing the phenomena of our world and commercial artifacts, such as manufactured products, cultural assets, and tourist destinations. Books, catalogs, flyers, and packages and labels all produced in print.

But nowadays we have video, computer graphics, and other new media capable of dynamic displays of imagery and text in new vibrant colors. How are today's expanding output methods guiding the evolution of display methods? In this exhibition we will introduce various ideas hidden in the pictures you see everywhere in your environment today.


Mar. 19, 2016 (Sat) - Jun. 5, 2016 (Sun)


Mondays, Mar.22nd 2016
*Open, however, Mar.21th


10:00 - 18:00


Free (Admission fee required for visitors wishing to see the Main Exhibits Room in the Printing Museum, Tokyo.)


Printing Museum, Tokyo, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.


Toppan Idea Center

Exhibits and installation view

Evolving Methods for Display — The World of Virtual Reality
Mar. 19, 2016 (Sat) - Jun. 5, 2016 (Sun)
10:00 - 18:00
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