temporary exhibition

Finished exhibitions



Apr. 13, 2019 (Sat) - Jul. 15, 2019 (Mon-holiday)
10:00 - 18:00

Exploring the Possibilities of Graphic Design through Offset Printing

Graphic Trial 2019 represents an attempt to explore the relationship between graphic design and the art of printing in order to discover new forms of expression. Every year, artists on the cutting edge of graphic design experiment with different printing techniques to create groundbreaking works of graphic art for our Graphic Trial exhibitions.

This year marks the 14th Graphic Trial Exhibition.

This exhibition features works by Kaoru kasai, Theseus Chan, Yui Takada and Satoru Yamamoto. Collaborating with them in using offset printing to push the limits of artistic expression were the printing directors at Toppan Printing.

This year's theme is "Exciting". This is the era of instant global communication, unshackled from the limits of time and space. New sources of creativity are being formed at the intersections through which technologies and ideas flow freely between different peoples and cultures. Witness a artists and Toppan Printing Directors working on the front lines of design.


Apr. 13, 2019 (Sat) - Jul. 15, 2019 (Mon-holiday)


Mondays, Apr.30(Tue), May.7(Tue)
*Open, however, on Apr.29 (Mon-holiday), May.6 (Mon-holiday), Jul.15 (Mon-holiday)


10:00 - 18:00


Free (Admission fee required for visitors wishing to see the Main Exhibits Room in the Printing Museum, Tokyo.)


Printing Museum, Tokyo, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.


Toppan Idea Center, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.


Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc. (JAGDA)

GRAPHIC TRIAL 2019 Exciting
Apr. 13, 2019 (Sat) - Jul. 15, 2019 (Mon-holiday)
10:00 - 18:00
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